Arvis Frank Roy
- Born: 14 Aug 1931, Argile, Casey, Kentucky
- Died: 12 Aug 1950, , , , Korea
Cause of his death was MIA in Korea.
Medical Notes:
He had been in the Army four years. After basic training he spent 13 months in the Army of Occupation in Korea. He then spent a year in Japan where he worked in an office as battery clerk for his outfit. Other duties included driving a Jeep for his Captin, transportation clerk, and assistant supply Sergent. At one time he had orders to return to the States on July 8 1950, but were recinded with the outbreak of the Korean struggle. He was returned to action with the 35th Artillery Division. He had told his parents in a letter that he was in action with the large 155 mm artillery. Like many other families, they listened with a saddened heart to the list of prisoners held bny the Communists. Instead they received a death notice. After his death in Korea, His body was shipped back home to the hills of Kentucky, where he was laid to rest in Valley Oak Cemetery, His funeral service was with full Military Honors After 17 months on the missing list, Cpl Roy had been officially declared dead by the war department. The family was notified on Christmas Eve 1949 (thats not possable if he didn't die until 1950). The date of his death agreed with a previous missing date issued by the Army.