Dec 14, 1966
Box 133
Bainbridge Ind. 46105
Dearest Aunt Effie
Was very glad to hear from you. I just don't write to any one very much but I do like to hear how everyone is. The kid's are looking forward to Christmas but I am dreading it. It seam's like this year has taking its toll. Of course you know W.T's wife left him and took the little girl. W.T. gets her on Sunday's I try not to let myself get to attached to her. And then Uncle Ollie and then mom. Today I'm waiting to find out if W.T. passed his ex for the Army. He left this morning, I don't know how long it will take them. Of course I don't want him to have anything bad wrong with him but I sure hate for him to have to leave Dad right now. I won't mail this untill I hear from him then I can tell you if he passed or not.
Dad doe's very well I guess. I do their wash & ironing and clean the house a little once in a while and fix Dads supper sometimes But I don't do much it seems like.
We put our tree up last night. The kids will fix dad tonight I guess. Pauls on the road most all week and the kids in school it's about time for me to pick them up now so I will wait untill I hear from W.T. befor I finish this letter.
Dec 15. back home he passed so we don't know when he will have to leave. I am washing this morning so I had better close. I have to get the kids up and off to school and I guess just go on from there. I hope you can read this scribbling now I guess you understand why I don't write much it because no one can read it ha. Please write when you can and have time Love as ever Vera