to the new website for
William David Ware

born October 6, 1947 Social Security number *** ** **** Ha
also updated is the Legacy (genealogy) program with thousands
more entries. Note also that this websight is at a new Address.
Our Family Tree DNA research has identified at least 4 distinct
Ware families. If you are Male and Descended from Col. Dudley Ware (see genealogy program) below you should have the same DNA profile as my fathers. A simple $99 twelve marker test would confirm our relationship. I am willing to pay the $99 for a few relatives that will confirm the database paper trail such as a descendant of E. N. Ware. Contact me if you think you qualify.

We share the same last name and similar historical backgrounds,
but are not geneticly linked to other Wares along the East coast
of the USA. These relationship have not been clarified yet. Way too technical to get into here, but some of the genealogy tracked by our ancesters may not be accurate. You need to go to the DNA Project below for more information, or contact me with specific questions.

Five generations: My father
Chester, Daughter Annette,
Grandaughter Jamie Manning
and great,grandaughter Merissa
and yea thats me in the middle
no not the baby! next to her

This webpage was last
pdated on:

June 29, 2016

This was a quick update return for a complete update soon.


Home Movies.......not working
Photographs .....This web page is closed
Rice Ware.......Documents and other information
Ware Genealogy Program.....Contains over 500 surnames,
Ware DNA Project......Closed
Family Tree DNA ....... General information about DNA Testing
More Ware Family Research

Ware Family Reunion

is the first Saturday in June every year at Big Bone Lick State Park
Near Walton Kentucky. from about 9:00 AM to about1:00 PM.
If you find your name on the genealogy program you are invited

I haven't been to this reunion since about 2010 if it is still going on or if someone would like to continue it let me know and I will post a notice here.

Contact Information:

David Ware
204 Alexander Ct.
Canton GA 30114

Old Photograph Negatives

My home scanner "Epson Perfection 1260" is equiped with a photograph negative scanner it will scan 35 mm and up to 2"X2" film negatives (Black & White or Color). Believe me you can't do this without the negative adapter. I am willing to scan your old negative FREE (provided I don't get overwelmed). Currently I don't have time for this.

David Ware
204 Alexander Ct.
Canton GA 30114

Ware Genealogy Program

Check out our special webpages for Wares with Musical Talent
(Click on their name to go directlly to their webpage with music they wrote and produced) Audio portion of this link is not working yet

Merel Haggard
Chet Ware
Don Ware
Mike Craft

Original Sayings by
David Ware

My Life is kind of like a Roll of Toilet Paper, Rather insignivicant but used by many

Isn't it funny that people who contribute the least in a social group, complain the most.

I don't really care how people spend their money or how they live their Lives, as long as they don't dump the concequences on someone else.



A link to a new photo album will be comming soon, also hats, shirts and other items for our photographers. My original idea for Schitts Creek was to provide an on line photo album for photographers at Events, Amusment Parks, etc to post photos on line, then allow people there to find photos of themselves for downloading. Photographers could wear hats and/or shirts to identify them as Schitts Creek Photographers. Posted photographs would be no larger than 500kb. If subjects want a higher definition photo they can contact our photographer via our email forwarding service.

Contact me if you are interested in being a Schitts Creek photographer at

My Blog

If you really like to read,... you are welcome to visit my Blog at it includes a short autobiography, college essay's, and just my opinions.


Check out my blog at

Things I would like to see Invented

For some reason the link above dosn't work for twitter you actually need to type in h t t p : / / t w i t t e r . c o m / m e g a t h e n a into your browsers navagation bar.

I became aware of twitter by watching CNN's Rick Sanchez. Originally it was just a method to voice my opinion on some issues, but as I started using twitter I though it would integrate well with my other networking and enhance my social contacts. It's kind of a mix between chat and blogging. It would have come in real handy a few days ago when my grandaughter had her second daughter. My second great grandchild.
The internet is not a single highway, there are many modes of transportation, we need to be open to a variety of methods of using it.


Click the icon below to Visit my profile at

I have a lot of work to do, but when finished you will be able to visit memorials of relatives who have gone before us. With additional photographs, Cemetery location and pictures of tombstones.

You can also join Findagrave and
contribute to findagraves memorials.


I would like to summarize the purpose of this web page:

1. To exhibit my .
My grandfather Virgil Ware was a professional photographer between about 1900 and 1942 in and around Pulaski, Casey Counties Kentucky. 610 negatives have survived. About 1980 my aunt Estella Hall salvaged the 610 glass negatives that I have reproduced plus a few more that have disappeared. She published a book in 1982 and identified some of the people. I have since identified a few more but most of the subjects (many excellent portraits) remain unidentified. Every year that goes by the chances of Identifying precious pictures of our ancestors diminishes. Aunt Estella published many of the photographs in the Casey County newspaper but now internet exposure can reach a much greater audience. I urge everyone who have ancestors from Kentucky especially any surnames in my genealogy program to examine the photographs on my msn newsgroup. There are 5 folders that contain grandpa's photos - labeled 1.) Glass Negatives (155 photos) 2.) Plastic Negatives (171 photos) 3. New Glass Negatives (130 photos) 4.) Plastic (Film) Negatives (72 photos) and 5.) Hatter Creek (82 photos from Hatter Creek School).

2. The Ware Genealogy program:
I have spent years inputing data into the Legacy program. There are now almost 4,000 individuals linked and almost 750 unique Surnames. Why? It's the basic foundation for everything I do in piecing together family ties including the Ware Family Reunion. As a child I remember the Ware Family Reunion was no more about the Ware's than it was about the Cannon's, or the McKee's, the Apples or the Haggard's. Now hosting the Reunion I have found relatives from all over the U.S. that have facinating stories about my gggg grandparents. and Photographs of my grandparents uncles and aunts. We might have squables within the famiy but it's a really big world out there and in reality family have many more things in common than they have differences. even 10th cousins twice removed. Also the Ware DNA project allows us for the first time in history the ability to bridge the gap in tracing family lines where birth and other records have been destroyed. We can trace the migration of family and understand more about ourselves.

I don't use the telephone very much. flashbacks from high long distance fees. My wife Carol does. Our immediate family has scattered throughout the USA and even beyond, and long lost relatives are now entering our lives more and more through the internet. So this homepage has become a central point of contact for Family and Friends. I know there are many other networking tools eg. Facebook, myspace, classmates and others that you and I may be associated with. The ones I have listed here have specific purpose and complement each other rather than repeat information. I hope you will take time to expore some of them and keep in touch.